Latchmere, Wandsworth: Wandsworth 007C

Property sales

How old are the people living here?

Wandsworth 007C sits within the Latchmere ward under the local district authority of Wandsworth. The roads that make up this catchment are listed at the bottom of this page.

This compares the ages of the people that live here against the wider region (which is London).

Interesting highlights

The ages of the residents that live in this area are largely in line the regional average age distribution.

Under 20's
Over 60's

Overall, this area has a moderately higher proportion of young people in comparison with London - 75% of people living here are under the age of 45.

The average age of residents living around here is 31 years old. This is 2 years lower than across this region, which sits at 33 years old.

In general, inner city areas show high concentrations of people aged 18-30, suburbs show larger numbers of small children and adults aged 30-50; and rural and small towns are more popular with older workers and retirees.

Families and pensioners

In this area, there are a slightly lower number of young children in comparison with the whole of London.

In addition to this, 12.5% of the population living here are pensioners - this is 2.7% fewer pensioners when compared against the wider London region. Overall, across London, 15.3% of the population are pensioners.

Age Proportion of people
0 to 9 12.7%
10 to 19 9.3%
20 to 29 24.3%
30 to 44 28.7%
45 to 59 12.4%
60 to 74 8.4%
75 and over 4.1%

This table shows the proportion of people that fall into each age group in this area.