Find property and book viewings online easily.
Speak directly with the homeowner, no one knows the property better.
Submit offers. All offers are non-binding (you are not legally bound until you exchange contracts).
We can help you find a mortgage, conveyancer and surveyor to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Buying property

Buying a house is a risky business - about 30% of sales fall through. We want to lower this risk.

The Move Market is a new property platform that allows buyers and sellers to get in contact with each other easily.

We make it simple to find property, book viewings and submit offers. And best of all - it's completely free!

Shortlist properties

Save properties you're interested in. This makes it easy to ask questions and request viewings.


We'll let you know when you've been sent a message or offered a viewing slot.

Ask questions

Speak directly to the homeowner. Get detailed and honest answers.

Send offers

When you submit an offer on The Move Market, it is sent directly to the homeowner. This stops unscrupulous agents passing on confidential information.

Verified people

We verify identification documents to make The Move Market a safe place for buyers and sellers.


It's completely free for buyers to use The Move Market. Ask questions, receive sale updates and submit offers - all for free!

The easy way to buy and sell property

Create a profile so people know who they are speaking to.

This helps build trust so make sure you use your real name and a good photo so they can recognise you if you go to a viewing (or buyers view your property).

Manage the entire sales process with ease.

Shortlist properties, organise viewings, send messages, receive offers and create custom property valuations.

Submitting an offer

When you submit an offer, you can include a message to encourage them to accept it (for instance, let them know if you're chain free).

We make it easy for you to cancel any offer after you've sent it. Be courteous by withdrawing any offers for property that you no longer want to purchase.

Offers made through The Move Market work in exactly the same way as if you'd put the offer in via an estate agent. Offers submitted through The Move Market are not legally binding - this means that either party can pull out of the transaction up until the exchange of contracts (just like 'normal').

Asking questions

We make it easy for you to ask the homeowner any questions.

This allows you to make an informed decision about how much to offer.

With access to better information, you are less likely to get any nasty surprises at the survey stage.

We want to make buying and selling property easier and safer - by improving communication between the buyer and seller we can lower the risks of it going wrong significantly.

Be the first to hear about property coming onto the market

We've created a noticeboard so homeowners can get in contact with you even before they're put their home on the market.

We make it simple for you to create a property wanted advert - just fill in a few details about what you're looking for and let homeowners get in touch with you.

By doing this you'll get to hear about properties even before they've officially gone on the market (so you get to see the best property before anyone else).