Flat 12A, Sloane Gate Mansions, D'oyley Street, London, Kensington And Chelsea, Greater London, SW1X 9AG

Last sold: June 2019
£2.03M - £2.18M
Percentage change: +17.6%

This valuation does not take into account any home improvements or extensions made to the property.


Property summary Last updated: 02/04/2024

Last updated: 02/04/2024

Flat 12A, Sloane Gate Mansions is a 4 bedroom flat - it is ranked as the 10th most expensive property* in SW1X 9AG, with a valuation of £2,102,000.

Since it last sold in June 2019 for £1,787,500, its value has increased by £314,500.

Flat 12A, Sloane Gate Mansions, D'oyley Street, London, Kensington And Chelsea, Greater London, SW1X 9AG
Flat 12A, Sloane Gate Mansions, D'oyley Street, London (1 of 11)

13 flats have sold at an average price of £2,880,000 in SW1X 9 over the last 12 months.

Get an updated valuation by simply telling us about any renovations made.

This property has increased in price by 18% since it last sold 4 years ago
This property is 17% less expensive than average in D'oyley Street, SW1X 9AG

Essential buying details

  • If no refurbishment work has been carried out since it was last purchased, we expect the property to sell for between £2.03M and £2.18M.

  • This property only has one recorded sale so it doesn't have a historic investment return or rating yet.


Sale history

The most paid for a property in Doyley Street, SW1X 9AG was £2,395,000 in 2022.

Date Price Change
Today's value* £2,102,000 £315k 17.6%
03 Jun 2019 £1,787,500 -

If we valued this property using the average cost per square foot (CPSF):

  • Using the average CPSF for properties just in the postcode - it would be worth £2.74M.
  • Using the average CPSF for the whole road - it would be worth £2.75M.

This assumes that the property has an internal floor area of 1,055 square feet.

For it to sell for this amount, we would expect it to be in a similar state decoratively to the average property here and also have a similar sized plot of land.

The local market - D'oyley Street, SW1X 9AG

  • The average property value here is £2,528,000.
    • Valuations range from £1,114,000 to £3,398,000.
  • 3 properties have sold in SW1X 9AG over the last 5 years.
  • D'oyley Street has 4 postcodes associated with it.
    • The average price of property in D'oyley Street is £3,311,520.
    • Property in D'oyley Street typically sells for between £2,215 and £2,997 per square foot.
    • Properties in D'oyley Street are currently valued at an average cost per square foot of £2,606.
Flat 12A, Sloane Gate Mansions, D'oyley Street, London, Kensington And Chelsea, Greater London, SW1X 9AG
Flat 12A, Sloane Gate Mansions, D'oyley Street, London, Kensington And Chelsea, Greater London, SW1X 9AG
Flat 12A, Sloane Gate Mansions, D'oyley Street, London, Kensington And Chelsea, Greater London, SW1X 9AG
Flat 12A, Sloane Gate Mansions, D'oyley Street, London, Kensington And Chelsea, Greater London, SW1X 9AG
Flat 12A, Sloane Gate Mansions, D'oyley Street, London, Kensington And Chelsea, Greater London, SW1X 9AG
Flat 12A, Sloane Gate Mansions, D'oyley Street, London, Kensington And Chelsea, Greater London, SW1X 9AG
Flat 12A, Sloane Gate Mansions, D'oyley Street, London, Kensington And Chelsea, Greater London, SW1X 9AG
Flat 12A, Sloane Gate Mansions, D'oyley Street, London, Kensington And Chelsea, Greater London, SW1X 9AG
Flat 12A, Sloane Gate Mansions, D'oyley Street, London, Kensington And Chelsea, Greater London, SW1X 9AG
Flat 12A, Sloane Gate Mansions, D'oyley Street, London, Kensington And Chelsea, Greater London, SW1X 9AG
Flat 12A, Sloane Gate Mansions, D'oyley Street, London, Kensington And Chelsea, Greater London, SW1X 9AG
Flat 12A, Sloane Gate Mansions, D'oyley Street, London is a 4 bedroom flat.
£2.03M - £2.18M

Most likely sale price: £2.1M

How does this property compare to others in Doyley Street, SW1X 9AG?
17% LESS

Adding a new kitchen could add £158k to the sale price.

Valuation details

The most likely sale price is £2,102,000 but at the lower end we think it should fetch a minimum of £2,028,000.

This property has increased in price by £314,500 since it last sold in 2019 - this equates to a 3.4% rise each year.

Essential info

  • 4 bedroom leasehold flat

If the property was previously purchased in a bad state of repair, making home improvements could increase its sale price to £3,552,000.

Flat 10, Sloane Gate Mansions, Doyley Street, London, Kensington And Chelsea, Greater London, SW1X 9AG Flat 10, Sloane Gate Mansions
2 bed | 1012 sq. ft.
Flat 12A, Sloane Gate Mansions, D'oyley Street, London, Kensington And Chelsea, Greater London, SW1X 9AG Flat 12A, Sloane Gate Mansions
4 bed
Flat 5, Sloane Gate Mansions
1055 sq.ft.
Flat 4, Sloane Gate Mansions, Doyley Street, London, Kensington And Chelsea, Greater London, SW1X 9AG Flat 4, Sloane Gate Mansions
2 bed | 1012 sq. ft.
Flat 6, Sloane Gate Mansions
1238 sq.ft.

The property market across SW1X 9

  • The average price paid for a flat in the area SW1X 9 over the past year is £2.88M.
  • Flats have been selling for £2,047 per square foot across SW1X 9.
  • 13 flats have sold over the last 12 months (in the area coverring SW1X 9).
What does it cost to live in this area?
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Our property valuation model calculates the latest property prices using data from trusted external sources in combination with available user-submitted information - this includes HM Land Registry which is the UK's official register for ownership of land and property in England and Wales.

The model takes into account what has sold, when and how prices have changed over time. It also brings in multiple datasources to cross reference accuracy with the latest sales data and cost per square foot benchmarks.

In addtion to this, we filter out bad data where we are able to identify it so we can improve accuracy.

If home improvements have been made or the property has been extended after it was last purchased, these improvements won't be taken into account if we don't know about them. For properties that have had home improvements made, you can get an updated valuation here.

A number of things can make a property more desirable and sell for more money per square foot than others in the area.

Some of the things that can cause a property to be worth more per square foot include:

  • Good school catchment area
  • Good transport links
  • Bigger garden
  • Offstreet parking and garages
  • High quality architectural designs (a.k.a pretty houses!)
  • Good quality home improvements

We use multiple data sources to provide reliable property information to you.

Some of the data sources we use are:

  • HM Land Registry
  • Ordnance Survey
  • Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities
  • Royal Mail
  • Estate agents
  • Property listings

* Excluding properties that we've been unable to calculate a valuation for. ** Excludes property transactions that occurred before 1995.

Whilst all reasonable effort is made to ensure the information in this website is current, The Move Market does not warrant the accuracy or completeness and accepts no liability for any loss or damage or costs.

Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2023. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

The latest HM Land registry data covers property transactions up until 29/02/2024 - this was released on the 28/03/2024.