Valuation review
White Lodge, Filey Road, Gristhorpe, Filey, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO14 9PH
Detached house
Expected sale price
Low offer
High offer
Update valuation
55% more expensive | 106% bigger

If White Lodge, Filey Road were put on the market today, we calculate that without any home improvements it will sell for between £377,000 and £421,000, with the most likely sale price being around £399,000.

  • This property is 106% bigger and 55% more expensive than the average property here.
  • This property sits outside our expected price range when comparing it on a cost per square foot basis.
  • At a market valuation of £399,000 and a property size of 2,164 square feet, this property is currently valued at £184 per square foot.
  • 5 properties in this postcode have a comparable cost per square foot to this property - the higher the number of properties that are valued at a similar cost per square foot, the more confidence we can have in the automated valuation.

How does it compare to other properties here?

Automated valuation models do not take account of home improvements made since the property was last sold and place emphasis on a property's sold price history and that of other properties in the area.
What does it cost to buy here?
Filey Road, YO14 9PH
Prices start at:
Average property price:
Upper end property:
Average property size
Square feet
Based on 29 properties In YO14 9PH
This property's size
Square feet
This property is 106% larger than average for YO14 9PH

Automated valuations and their limitations

Automated valuations utilise a property's sale history along with other local sale data to calculate the expected sale price.

We will only provide a valuation where we are satisfied we have enough data to be reasonably accurate, however, anomolies can still occur.

Cost per square foot
At today's market valuation
Against benchmark: -£57
Based on White Lodge, Filey Road having a valuation of £399,000 in today's market and 2,164 square feet of internal habitable space.
How does this compare against the other properties here?
When compared against the other properties in this postcode, this property is valued at 23.7% less expensive on a cost per square foot basis.

What might make this property worth less on a CPSF basis?

When a property is valued at a lower cost per square foot than average, it can signify that:

  • the property has previously been rundown or neglected.
  • the property has been decorated to a distinctive style that may not be to everyones taste.
  • the garden is smaller than average.
  • the property is in a worse location (e.g. it is nearer a busy road).
  • the property's architecture is less appealing than neighbouring properties.

Local CPSF valuation comparison

The average cost per square foot in YO14 9PH is £241

We have calculated that this property will probably sell for between £154 and £212 per square foot.

For property in Filey Road, YO14 9PH
Expect to pay
£204 - £277
Per square foot

Below we show the cost per square foot that each property would sell for today and how it compares to the average for this postcode.

Address Market value
10 Filey Road, Gristhorpe £279,000 £254 (5% more than average)
39 Filey Road, Gristhorpe £189,000 £250 (4% more than average)
1 The Lodges, Filey Road £338,000 £314 (30% more than average)
24 Filey Road, Gristhorpe £164,000 £238 (1% less than average)
26 Filey Road, Gristhorpe £164,000 £238 (1% less than average)
8 Filey Road, Gristhorpe £251,000 £311 (29% more than average)
20 Filey Road, Gristhorpe £237,000 £400 (66% more than average)
22 Filey Road, Gristhorpe £241,000 £407 (69% more than average)
18 Filey Road, Gristhorpe £241,000 £407 (69% more than average)
12 Filey Road, Gristhorpe £187,000 £280 (16% more than average)

A property that is in better condition would typically have a higher cost per square foot.

** Cost per square foot is based on today's market value. Percentage values show the CPSF compared against the average CPSF in this property's postcode.

Conservatories are included as part of the property's habitable space but as they are less usable (and desirable) than a full extension, they often drag the cost per square foot of the property down.

What can cause an inaccurate valuation?

Distressed sales (bankruptcy and probate), bad sold price data (errors in the data at Land Registry) and partial property sales (shared ownership schemes), can all cause automated valuation models to lose accuracy and lead to a valuation that is not at a level that it should be.

We'd expect most properties here to have a cost per square foot between £204 and £277.

Properties in a bad state of repair, as well as properties that have need to be sold quickly, will often achieve a cost per square foot at the lower end of the range. Conversely, those that have been renovated or where the seller is able to wait for a better offer to come in, will often manage to achieve a higher cost per square foot.

Keep reading to find out more on how to get an accurate market valuation and what other alternative valuation methods are available.

Cost per square foot paid on latest sale

Recent sales near here

Scanning for recent sales near here
The average cost per square foot in YO14 9PH is £241.

We recommend using the cost per square foot as a way to compare the valuations of similar properties in the area.

Issues to be aware of around valuations based on cost per square foot

Using the cost per square foot as a valuation method is an excellent way to compare valuations of nearby properties even if they aren't the same size.

However, it isn't perfect.

  • It only takes the internal habitable space into account, so it ignores outbuildings and differences in garden dimensions (a.k.a. plot size).

  • For flats (and other leasehold properties), using the cost per square foot won't take account of the length of the lease remaining, which can also make a substantial difference to a property's value. If an owner has renewed the lease, the property would be worth substantially more than an identical property that had a much shorter lease left.

  • Properties bought through shared ownership schemes can skew the average cost per square foot in a postcode (as HM Land Registry don't release the additional data on what proportion of the property was purchased).

  • The cost per square foot not only relies on the previous transaction data (price paid data) but also the internal floor area being accurate (and up-to-date) - if the generated cost per square foot falls well outside of an expected range, it may indicate that some of the underlying data isn't correct.

How can I improve the accuracy of my valuation?

We offer a few different methods for valuing property - pricing property often still needs some human input to ensure that you're arriving at a sensible price. Make sure you compare local properties and use your judgement to produce a more accurate valuation.

To get the best valuation, sometimes it's best to:

  • base it on a few similar properties and adjust for minor differences (make sure you create a 'Valuation Report').
  • refine the property price to take account for home improvements and extensions (see the 'Refine Valuation' button above).
  • use the average cost per square foot multiplied by the size of the property.
  • check what the other properties in the road are valued at (be aware a road can have more than one postcode).
  • check what's sold recently in the local area.

* Excluding properties that we've been unable to calculate a valuation for.

Whilst all reasonable effort is made to ensure the information in this website is current, The Move Market does not warrant the accuracy or completeness (including reliability, currency or suitability) of the data and information contained on this website and accepts no liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for any loss or damage or costs (including consequential damage) arising in connection with the data and information contained on this website. The estimate of current value ranges provided on the website are based on a proprietary automated valuation estimate provided by The Move Market. Any estimated values ranges are current at the date of the publication only. It is computer generated and is not a professional appraisal of the subject property and should not be relied upon in lieu of appropriate professional advice. The accuracy of the methodology used to develop the valuation, the existence of the subject property, the accuracy of the estimate and all rule sets provided are estimates based on available data and are not guaranteed or warranted. The Move Market excludes all liability for any loss or damage arising in connection with the estimated value provided in this report.